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Abstract and Poster Guidelines


Registration Deadline

Friday, September 9th

Please note that all meeting attendees are asked to present a poster or give an oral presentation. Your poster title and list of authors are required for registration (abstracts are no longer required for poster presentations).

This year six fellows will be selected to give oral presentations. To be considered, please submit your title and an abstract summarizing your research project(s), including: an introduction with its relevance to improving human health, a description of the experimental techniques, key results, conclusion statements, and future directions. The body of your abstract should not exceed 300 words. A panel of judges from the NICHD Fellows Advisory Committee will make the selections based on the proposed titles and abstracts. For first-year fellows and students, if you arrived at NIH after July 1, 2021 and do not have any research results to present yet, you may choose to do one of the following:

We want you to attend your first retreat with us!


A lab group can join forces and submit a single poster, as well. Please be sure to list ALL participant names.

Watch the Announcements for the retreat to learn your poster number.

An abstracts booklet will be distributed at the annual meeting, in addition to the listing of titles and presenters on the web site for the 2022 Annual Meeting.


Info coming soon!