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Abstract and Poster Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts will be accepted from NICHD fellows at all training levels, including postbac, predoc, and postdoc fellows, as well as research and clinical fellows. Abstracts should describe your research work as part of your NICHD fellowship. Clinical case studies may also be appropriate. All abstracts must be reviewed and approved by your principal investigator.

Abstracts will be accepted through Friday, August 30, 2024.

Selection of Abstracts for Oral Talks

Each submitted abstract will be anonymized and submitted to the NICHD Retreat Planning Team for review to be considered for 15-minute or 10-minute oral talks. Abstracts will be scored based on scientific merit, writing quality, and fit for the event’s program. Abstracts that are not selected for talks will automatically be accepted for poster presentation.


Fellows of all training levels who do not wish to be considered for a talk but wish to present a poster may submit only a poster title with a complete author listing and all author affiliations. No abstract is required.

Poster titles will be accepted through Friday, September 27, 2024.

Poster Board Dimensions

Poster boards are 4 feet high by 6 feet wide. Please follow the poster paper dimension limitations specified in the following section.

Poster Printing

The Information Resources Management Branch provides poster printing to our intramural trainees. Send your poster file as an email attachment (PDF or PowerPoint file) to Please include a due date, the poster layout, and specific dimensions (paper limitation: 36 inches or 42 inches for height and up to 100 inches for width; no dark background; 1 inch border).

NIH and NICHD Logos

Make sure to include the NICHD logo on your poster. High-resolution logos can be found here: (NIH login required).

Posters will be ready within three to five business days of receipt. Completed posters can be picked up at the security desk on the first floor of 6710B Rockledge Drive, which is through the doors on the right immediately after entering the building.

Please give yourself some lead time since there will be a high influx of poster printing for the retreat.

Please direct all inquiries to Dr. Megan Bohn (